Really amazing. Would improve the quality of SO many people's lives to have any one of your recommendations implemented!

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Thanks Michele! I'd even do it for free. Such a need for an improved experience.

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It has become abundantly clear that few entities have the understanding of how to set up web sited that get mass responses... This should have been tasked to Google or the like because they CAN DO IT.

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In my opinion, a good solution is even easier. All that is really needed is a single central registry. You enter/select your name/age/contact info/preferred location.etc and now you are in the queue. You get daily updates sent to your preferred contact (text/email/robo call). When you are finally selected, you get a notice that you need to respond to within no less than 24 hours. If you do not respond/accept the appointment you get moved to the next avail day... easy.

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